PolyCalc Version 1.01 A Workplace Shell Engineering Calculator Written by Mike Thompson of Graduate Software, PolyCalc is a full-featured scientific and programmers' calculator for OS/2 2.x and 3.x. It is a 32-bit Presentation Manager application that supports drag-and-drop fonts and colors from a Workplace Shell Palette, automatic resizing of buttons and their text, multiple and separately-controllable entry and display formats (numeric base and format conversions with just a press of the key!). Formats that are supported in this release include decimal, octal, hexadecimal, currency, foot-inch, degree-minute-second, fractions, binary, IEEE-754 floating point hexadecimal dump, scientific notation, engineering notation, and more. This program is SHAREWARE. The uploaded version is fully functional but has a nag screen at startup and cannot save user preferences. Registration is $15.00. The program was uploaded by Fourth Corner Systems, a small company that is authorized by the author as a distributor for this program.